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23. Dez. 20211 Min. Lesezeit
Say SHEESH Part2 coming up!
Yaaay, we did it! Our first live session is done! It was a bumpy ride due to technical issues and bad connection. But we got so much...
69 Ansichten0 Kommentare
20. Dez. 20211 Min. Lesezeit
Say SHEESH!!! live lettering sesh with the_green_nib_lettering
We are going live with Say SHEESH for the first time! Say SHEESH is a collaboration with my lettering friend Joke Wijn a.k.a....
27 Ansichten0 Kommentare
20. Dez. 20211 Min. Lesezeit
MERHABA WORLD! The journey begins...
Welcome to my humble blog fellow lettering sapiens. You can browse through the posts to get valuable insights about starting a business...
31 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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